
مرکز مطالعات حکمت – دانش و فن معماری و شهرسازی ایرانی اسلامی

مرکز مطالعات حکمت - دانش و فن معماری و شهرسازی ایرانی اسلامی

Masjid e Moazzam, Surat

فرستادن به ایمیل چاپ مشاهده در قالب پی دی اف

Masjid Toronto

Masjid e Moazzam, Surat


آخرین بروز رسانی مطلب در سه شنبه ، 30 مهر 1398 ، 11:03

Baitun Nur Mosque

فرستادن به ایمیل چاپ مشاهده در قالب پی دی اف

Baitun Nur Mosque

Baitun Nur Mosque

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A big colossal mosque with a gigantic dome at its top – this Mosque is a popular religious place in Calgary. With a vast stunning architecture this is perhaps the largest mosque in whole Canada. Mosque has beautifully decorated and extremely serene interiors. Baitun Nur Mosque is affiliated to Ahmadi faith. The mosque was completed in the year 2008.

آخرین بروز رسانی مطلب در سه شنبه ، 30 مهر 1398 ، 11:02

Imam Ali Mosque (Copenhagen)

فرستادن به ایمیل چاپ مشاهده در قالب پی دی اف

The Imam Ali Mosque (Danish: Imam Ali Moske, Arabic: مسجد الإمام عليMasjid ʾImām ʿAlī), is the largest[2] and only Shia Muslim mosque in the country located in Nordvest, Copenhagen, Denmark.

The construction of the mosque started in 2009. It was completed and opened to the public in 2015. The 2,100 square metre mosque is designed in neo-Iranian architectural style, with two 32-metre minarets and a central, turquoise dome with a space for 1,500 people.

Copenhagen 2016-05-06 (27463143231).jpg

A new mosque in Australia shows Islamic architecture going beautifully brutalist

فرستادن به ایمیل چاپ مشاهده در قالب پی دی اف

Sydney – A few days ago, we presented a case of Islamic architecture gone contemporary, by way of a cultural centre in a city right outside of Lisbon. The Muslim diaspora seems to be using architecture to send a new message of self-representation, as there is now a second case under our radar: the Punchbowl mosque.

The recently completed institution is located in Punchbowl – a dense, diverse suburb of Sydney named after the curvaceous sides of a nearby valley – and designed by local firm Candalepas Associates, best known for robust yet refined urban housing. Its raw concrete exterior has attracted the inevitable ‘brutalist’ tag, but its matte finishes are surprisingly soft and enticing, while its strong angles and occasional curves present a series of striking profiles.

Traditional elements such as the minaret and a shallow dome are included but, at the request of the congregation, given a contemporary twist. The former, for instance, is integrated as a jutting projection from the main body of the mosque, acting as an entrance for female worshippers to the two wood-screened balconies that overlook the prayer hall.

Punchbowl has an austere grandeur, but also affords visual pleasure

Stepping into this main space, visitors are met by the project’s real set-piece. Hanging above the entrance are seven steeply raking rows of crisp concrete half-domes, 102 in all, rising up two adjoining walls, offering changing, captivating silhouettes as one moves though the hall. Each of these half-domes is inscribed in golden calligraphy with one of the 99 Names of Allah, and each is punctured by a small 30-mm hole at its centre, drawing in a tiny shaft of light that traverses the interior as the sun passes overhead.

The half-dome forms were cast in situ to exacting standards – a significant feat of engineering in itself – and pay homage to the ornamental muqarnas vaulting of traditional Islamic architecture, in which highly decorated niche-like forms, often arranged in tiers with hanging elements, cover the undersides of arches, gateways and dome chambers. Here at Punchbowl they have an austere grandeur, but also afford visual pleasure, as light from the oculus and clerestory windows of the timber-clad dome moves across their surfaces, articulating their precise, layered geometries and reaching deep into their patinated recesses.

During the project’s 20-year genesis, architect Angelo Candalepas was inspired by his trips to Ahmedabad and Agra to ‘embrace the playful nature of concrete,’ and has succeeded here in creating a humane, intimate space, yet one that also provides hints of the sublime through its simple materiality and its rich geometric forms.

سوق حلب القديم على قيد الحياة مع نهاية الحرب في سوريا

فرستادن به ایمیل چاپ مشاهده در قالب پی دی اف

موقع نيويورك تايمز على شبكة الإنترنت: تعرض الكثير من أسواق حلب القديمة والمعزولة في حلب للدمار بسبب هجمات داعش وأعمال الشغب السورية. ومع ذلك ، لا تزال أجزاء صغيرة منه سليمة وبدأ الإصلاح.
يتكون السوق ، والمعروف أيضًا باسم "Suk" ، من زقاق مغطى تصطف عليه رصف حبيبات رفيع ، ويتشكل سقفه على شكل قوس وقبة مستمدة جزئيًا من العمارة الإسلامية.
على الرغم من تدمير جزء كبير من هذا السوق ، إلا أن الشركات الصغيرة في المناطق الصحية بالسوق قد مهدت الطريق لتصبح سوقًا مزدهرة وتعيد العملاء. تحاول مقصورات السوق الصغيرة حاليًا إعادة الأعمال إلى جميع قطاعات السوق.
شهدت مدينة حلب التاريخية أسوأ اشتباكات في السنوات الثماني الماضية. في عام 9 ، قامت قوات الحكومة السورية بتحرير السوق ، الذي تم تسجيله باعتباره منظمة اليونسكو ، ولكن كان محاصرًا بالنزاع السوري المدمر. بعد تحرير السوق ، تم تدمير جزء كبير منه من قبل الإرهابيين والمتمردين.
بدأ المخططون السوريون عملية إعادة بناء هذا السوق القديم. يأملون في استعادة التفاعل التجاري والاقتصادي لمدينة حلب من خلال استعادة خلايا هذا السوق.

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